Cloud Security Comparison AWS Inspector vs. Google Cloud Security Scanner

September 20, 2022

Cloud Security Comparison: AWS Inspector vs. Google Cloud Security Scanner

As the cloud computing industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, security has become a major concern for companies that rely on cloud infrastructure to host their applications and data. AWS and Google are two major players in the cloud computing market, and their cloud security solutions are highly sought after. In this post, we will compare AWS Inspector and Google Cloud Security Scanner to see which one comes out on top when it comes to cloud security.

AWS Inspector

AWS Inspector is a security assessment service that helps users identify and address potential security issues in their applications running on AWS. The service automatically assesses applications for vulnerabilities and provides detailed reports that help users identify and fix security issues.

AWS Inspector uses a range of security tests to evaluate an application’s security posture, including tests for network security, operating system security, and application security. The service can also perform compliance checks to ensure that applications meet regulatory requirements.

Pros of AWS Inspector

  • Detailed security reports that identify potential security issues.
  • Intelligent automation of security tests and assessments.
  • Easy to use and set up.
  • Integration with other AWS services.

Cons of AWS Inspector

  • Limited support for non-AWS applications.
  • Limited customization options.

Google Cloud Security Scanner

Google Cloud Security Scanner is a web application security scanner that helps users detect and address security vulnerabilities in their web applications running on Google Cloud. The service is designed to be easy to use with minimal setup required, and it automatically scans web applications for vulnerabilities.

Google Cloud Security Scanner uses a combination of static and dynamic analysis techniques to identify potential security issues. The service can detect vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection attacks.

Pros of Google Cloud Security Scanner

  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Fast and automatic security assessments.
  • Detailed reports on potential security issues.
  • Integration with other Google Cloud services.

Cons of Google Cloud Security Scanner

  • Limited customization options.
  • Only scans web applications.


Both AWS Inspector and Google Cloud Security Scanner provide valuable security assessments for applications running on cloud infrastructure. However, there are differences between the two services that make one more suitable than the other depending on the user’s specific security needs.

AWS Inspector Google Cloud Security Scanner
Assessment Types Network, OS, and Application Security Web Applications
Integration Other AWS Services Other Google Cloud Services
Customization Limited Limited
Support for Non-AWS/Google applications Limited Not Available
Ease of Use Easy Easy
Speed Moderate Fast
Reports Detailed Detailed
Automation Intelligent Automatic


Both AWS Inspector and Google Cloud Security Scanner provide efficient and reliable security assessments for cloud-based applications. AWS Inspector offers a more extensive range of tests and deeper integration with AWS, whereas Google Cloud Security Scanner provides a faster and easier scanning process, with integration with Google Cloud.

Therefore, the choice between the two ultimately depends on the user’s specific security assessment requirements.


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